Cape May – September, 2020

After canceling our trip to Cape May last June because of the pandemic, we decided to rent a house in Cape May Point for a week in late September. Cape May Point is a quiet, less-populated area away from the usual tourist spots, so we thought it would be a good location to have a socially distanced vacation.

Here are a few photos from that trip. I got some nice shots of Monarch butterflies hanging out in the tree outside our house. Cape May is a popular stop for the Monarchs along their southern migration, and there were tons of them flying around during the week we were there.

Click on any image to open a photo gallery.

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Black and White Challenge

A while back I decided to experiment with converting some of my color photos to black and white. Here are the results.

In some cases I think the black-and-white conversions actually breathed new life into the pictures. This is particularly true of the Eiffel Tower and Machu Picchu photos, in which significantly more details can now be seen than had been visible in original color shots.

Paris, France: Eiffel Tower – July, 2014
Machu Picchu, Peru – August, 2012
Grand Teton National Park – August, 2017
Oliver Grant-Rappa – April, 2016
Cape May, New Jersey – June, 2017

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Jen and Ollie Watch the Sunset

I don’t often feature people in my photos, but I couldn’t resist sharing this shot of my wife and dog on the beach watching the sunset at Cape May Point.

Date: 6/7/2017
Camera: NIKON D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Panoramic Halloween Sunset in Cape May

We decided to spend Halloween in Cape May this year since we had never seen it in the middle of fall. While walking the promenade I stepped out onto the beach to take this shot. It’s the first panorama I’ve ever taken with my 35mm prime lens and I really liked the way it turned out–nowhere near as much distortion as I get when shooting a panorama with one of my wide-angle lenses. I might have to start using this lens more often.

It was such a clear day that you can actually see Delaware in the distance across the ocean.

Date: 10/31/2015
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photos of the Day: An Osprey Brings Home Dinner

During my recent trip to Cape May I went on a bird watching cruise through the marshes, where I was lucky enough to capture this osprey in flight clutching a fish in its talons.

You get two photos for the price of one today. 🙂

Date: 9/22/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view
Date: 9/22/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

Related Posts:

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Sunset Beach in Cape May

In honor of the official opening of the New Jersey shore season, here’s a panorama of Sunset Beach in Cape May.

Date: 5/21/2011
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FZ40
Click for larger view

Related Posts:

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Dragonfly Sunset

This was taken a few years ago from the back porch of a house I rented in the Villas, a town located on the bay side of the Cape May peninsula in New Jersey. The view from the house, which sat right on the bay, was gorgeous. The house itself, however, was another matter, but that’s a story for another day.

I was armed only with my pocket point-and-shoot, but even with limited zoom and resolution I was surprised at how well it captured the dragonfly.

Date: 7/9/2010
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FX8

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Looking Back

As 2013 winds to a close, I thought it would be a good time to take a look back at the past year, during which this blog has come a long way: on this day last year I had three followers and only posted sporadically. As I began posting with more frequency (concentrating on my travel stories) my audience grew, which in turn inspired me to post even more frequently, and so on . . . it’s the circle of life. 😉

This year has been very rewarding for me as a writer and I want to thank all of you for inspiring me to stick with it. I’ve never been much for resolutions, but if I were to make any, they would be to work harder on getting my novel published and to set aside more time for visiting the blogs of everyone who has visited mine.

In 2014 I will continue writing and sharing the journal from my recent trip to Mexico, and I am considering a trip to London this summer to see the Monty Python reunion (and build a trip of the UK around it). Until then, and in keeping with the tradition of year-end countdowns, here is a countdown of my own (or I should say count-up since I’m starting with #1). The following posts were my most popular of 2013 based on “likes.”

  1.  Photo of the Day: Overlooking Dubrovnik – A happy accident photo.
  2.  The Vintage Reel Award – My acceptance of this award from my fellow blogger at The Vintage Postcard touches on some fond childhood memories.
  3.  The Inca Trail Day 3: Almost There (My Trip to Peru, Part 6) – This was my favorite day of the Inca Trail hike as we passed by numerous remote Inca ruins that the average tourist will never see.
  4.  Dubrovnik: A Tour of King’s Landing (and other locations) – This is my most-viewed post by a wide, wide margin. Perhaps I should start tagging all of my posts with “Game of Thrones.” 🙂
  5.  Eurotrip 2009 Part 2: Munich – Recounting my adventures in Munich, Germany, including stops in Dinkelsburg and Nordlingen.
  6.  The Inca Trail Day 2: Detour Through Hell (My Trip to Peru, Part 5) – Although this was the worst day of my trip to Peru (hiking up a mountain through freezing sleet), it is probably my favorite post because it represents some of the best storytelling of any of my travel writing.
  7.  My Trip to Peru, Part 2: Here and There – My time in Cusco as well as excursions to Maras and the Inca ruins of Moray.
  8.  Photographs and Memories – This poem is a tribute to my grandfather.
  9.  Eurotrip 2009 Part 4: Lucerne – The beautiful city of Lucerne, Switzerland and breathtaking views from the top of Mount Pilatus.
  10.  Hiking the D&R Canal – Photos from my hike along the D&R Canal in Princeton, NJ.

And here are ten of my most-viewed posts:

Well, that’s it for 2013. I wish all of you a Happy New Year. See in the blogosphere!