American Southwest Trip, 2018: Grand Canyon at Sunset

A few shots of the Grand Canyon taken around sunset. The first features the lodge at the North Rim. The rest are from the South Rim.

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View More South Rim Grand Canyon Photos

American Southwest Trip, 2018: Bryce Point and Paria View

These photos are from two scenic lookouts, taken shortly after a massive rainstorm finally subsided. I had thought the entire day was going to be a washout and considered giving up, but I stuck it out and was rewarded with some beautiful scenery. The first few pics, shot at Paria View, feature multiple rainbows shooting down from the clouds, though one rainbow is most prominent.

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Cape May – September, 2020

After canceling our trip to Cape May last June because of the pandemic, we decided to rent a house in Cape May Point for a week in late September. Cape May Point is a quiet, less-populated area away from the usual tourist spots, so we thought it would be a good location to have a socially distanced vacation.

Here are a few photos from that trip. I got some nice shots of Monarch butterflies hanging out in the tree outside our house. Cape May is a popular stop for the Monarchs along their southern migration, and there were tons of them flying around during the week we were there.

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Photo of the Day: Jen and Ollie Watch the Sunset

I don’t often feature people in my photos, but I couldn’t resist sharing this shot of my wife and dog on the beach watching the sunset at Cape May Point.

Date: 6/7/2017
Camera: NIKON D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Villas Sunset

This was taken during our stay at a bayside cottage in The Villas, New Jersey. Although the house itself was terrible, we did enjoy some nice sunsets on the back patio.

Date: 7/4/2010
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FX8
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Souris Lighthouse

This lighthouse in Souris on Prince Edward Island was built in 1880. We visited after hours, so I didn’t get a chance to climb to the top, but I snapped this photo, capturing the lighthouse partially silhouetted against the setting sun peeking out to the right.

Date: 8/30/2016
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Fiery Sunset

I finally have a smartphone capable of taking halfway decent photos and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture this stunning sunset over one of the buildings on my work campus the other night.

Date: 12/8/2015
Camera: Samsung Galaxy S4 Phone
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Panoramic Halloween Sunset in Cape May

We decided to spend Halloween in Cape May this year since we had never seen it in the middle of fall. While walking the promenade I stepped out onto the beach to take this shot. It’s the first panorama I’ve ever taken with my 35mm prime lens and I really liked the way it turned out–nowhere near as much distortion as I get when shooting a panorama with one of my wide-angle lenses. I might have to start using this lens more often.

It was such a clear day that you can actually see Delaware in the distance across the ocean.

Date: 10/31/2015
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Dragonfly Sunset

This was taken a few years ago from the back porch of a house I rented in the Villas, a town located on the bay side of the Cape May peninsula in New Jersey. The view from the house, which sat right on the bay, was gorgeous. The house itself, however, was another matter, but that’s a story for another day.

I was armed only with my pocket point-and-shoot, but even with limited zoom and resolution I was surprised at how well it captured the dragonfly.

Date: 7/9/2010
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FX8

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