California Trip, 2014: A Drive Along the Coast

This is another set of photos from my ride along the California coast, courtesy of my cousin Tim, who picked me up in San Francisco to show me some of the beauty of southern California. This batch includes visits to a foggy beach, a lighthouse, and the city of Monterey. There’s also a rare photo of me (posing with my cousin in front of a restaurant that bears our family name—no relation, though).

Click on any photo to open a gallery.

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California Trip, 2014: 17-Mile Drive

A few years ago I went on a business trip to San Francisco, where I decided to take a few extra days to myself to do some exploring. On my first day in San Francisco I met up with my cousin who lives nearby. He took me on a driving tour of the Pacific coast. These photos are from 17-Mile Drive, a scenic route along the Monterey peninsula, featuring rocky coastlines, large crashing waves; and islands of sea lions and birds.

Click on any photo to open a gallery.

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Photo of the Day: Jen and Ollie Watch the Sunset

I don’t often feature people in my photos, but I couldn’t resist sharing this shot of my wife and dog on the beach watching the sunset at Cape May Point.

Date: 6/7/2017
Camera: NIKON D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Villas Sunset

This was taken during our stay at a bayside cottage in The Villas, New Jersey. Although the house itself was terrible, we did enjoy some nice sunsets on the back patio.

Date: 7/4/2010
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FX8
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Panoramic Halloween Sunset in Cape May

We decided to spend Halloween in Cape May this year since we had never seen it in the middle of fall. While walking the promenade I stepped out onto the beach to take this shot. It’s the first panorama I’ve ever taken with my 35mm prime lens and I really liked the way it turned out–nowhere near as much distortion as I get when shooting a panorama with one of my wide-angle lenses. I might have to start using this lens more often.

It was such a clear day that you can actually see Delaware in the distance across the ocean.

Date: 10/31/2015
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Greetings From Asbury Park, NJ

I took a little day trip to Bruceland this past weekend (a.k.a. Asbury Park). Here’s a photo from inside the ruin of the old casino looking out toward the boardwalk. I only had a malfunctioning pocket camera with me, but it didn’t turn out too badly.

Date: 8/1/2015
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FX8
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Atlantic City Skyline

While the Jersey beaches are now flooded with Independence Day revelers, here’s a photo from my walk on the Ocean City boardwalk earlier this week, a few days ahead of the madness, gazing across the water at the Atlantic City skyline.

Date: June 30th, 2015
Location: Ocean City, New Jersey
Camera: NIKON D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photos of the Day: An Osprey Brings Home Dinner

During my recent trip to Cape May I went on a bird watching cruise through the marshes, where I was lucky enough to capture this osprey in flight clutching a fish in its talons.

You get two photos for the price of one today. 🙂

Date: 9/22/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view
Date: 9/22/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

Related Posts:

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: Sunset Beach in Cape May

In honor of the official opening of the New Jersey shore season, here’s a panorama of Sunset Beach in Cape May.

Date: 5/21/2011
Camera: Panasonic DMC-FZ40
Click for larger view

Related Posts:

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Cape May: Our Home Away from Home

Cape May: Sunset Beach

Every year around our anniversary (and sometimes in between), we head down to the southern tip of New Jersey for a stay in the lovely shore town of Cape May. We’ve been coming here regularly for over a decade now, to the point where we’ve come to think of it as our second home (I know the roads almost as well as if I were a resident). With nice beaches (including areas to take the dog on the bay side), beautiful Victorian homes, great restaurants, a charming pedestrian mall, and tree-lined streets, it feels like a small town that just happens to be on the beach rather than a town designed to be a beach resort like the other major shore destinations in the area.

If you stay in the northern end of town (as we usually do), with its neighborhoods full of well-spaced houses and green lawns, you can almost forget that you’re even at the beach. But you’re close enough to Wildwood that if you’re itching to spend a night on the boardwalk (and indulge in my favorite pizza, Mack’s), it’s just a quick drive up the coast. We enjoy staying in Cape May during the offseason, particularly in September when we can watch the Monarch Butterfly migration. Unlike other shore resorts that basically become ghost towns after Labor Day, you can pretty much have the same experience in Cape May as you would in-season, only with fewer people.  Our dream is to retire here.

There is so much to love about Cape May, but rather than describe it in words, I thought I’d just share some of my favorite photos taken over the last decade, starting with a few panoramas followed by a gallery of photos that vary in quality depending on the camera that was used. I know there are quite a few, but it’s hard to compress a decade’s worth of photos into one blog post. 🙂

Typical summer beach scene.
Higbee Beach
A view of some of the oceanfront properties.
Overhead view of the main part of town.
The canal that separates Cape May from North Cape May.
The Main Beach
Sunset Beach featuring the iconic sunken concrete ship
(which may not be visible much longer in light of how much it has sunk recently).

And here is the gallery. I had to keep the thumbnail images small so the page wouldn’t take too long to load, but you can click on any image to view a larger size.