California Trip, 2014: Walking to the Golden Gate

These photos are from my long walk out to the Golden Gate Bridge. I started at the Palace of Fine Arts and walked along the shore all the way out to the spot under the bridge where Kim Novak jumped into the water in “Vertigo.” Some photos looking back toward the city will give you an idea of the distance I walked.

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California Trip, 2014: Coit Tower and Filbert Steps in San Francisco

The gallery below features photos of the spectacular views from the top of Coit Tower (six of which were stitched together to form the nearly 360-degree panorama above). Also featured below are the Filbert Steps, which descend Telegraph Hill through a garden area. The steps are actually a pedestrian extension of Filbert Street. I walked up Telegraph Hill via Lombard Street to visit the tower, and then descended the hill via the steps, which seemed to be the easier approach.

Click on any photo to open a gallery.

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California Trip, 2014: San Francisco Bay

These photos are from my various walks along San Francisco Bay, including visits to Telegraph Hill, Fishermans Wharf, and Pier 39. The bay area of the city is a big reason why it is one of my favorite American cities I’ve visited, right behind Portland and on a par with Seattle.

Click on any photo to open a gallery.

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San Francisco 2014: The Movie

I finally got around to editing the movie of my visit to San Francisco in October of 2014. It begins with a visit to the California coast before seguing into San Francisco, accompanied by a couple of familiar San Francisco-related tunes. You can watch it in HD by changing the quality settings of the video.

Still to come: the journal from my visit to California, but first I have to finish the journal from my Eurotrip last summer. I’m falling way behind–working on publishing a book will do that to you.

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Photo of the Day: Old Friends

During my walk along San Francisco Bay back in October, I noticed that this pelican and fisherman appeared to be hanging out as if they were the oldest of friends. Perhaps they meet out on this pier every day, in the shadow of the Golden Gate, enjoying one another’s company, while the fisherman shares some of his catches with his feathered friend . . . it would be a nice story anyway. 🙂

Date: 10/16/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

San Francisco Panoramas

I’ve been falling behind on my travel writing lately; I still have yet to write about my summer trip to Europe, so it will be quite a while before I get around to posting the journal from my most recent trip to California. In the meantime, here are some horizontal and vertical panoramas I shot in San Francisco. You can click on any image to view a larger size.

On the beach about halfway through my long walk to the Golden Gate Bridge.
View from the top of Coit Tower
Another view from Coit Tower. Alcatraz and the Golden Gate are visible in the bay.
Near the Golden Gate. I was surprised at how roughly the waves crashed into the shore.
The Palace of Fine Arts
Inside the domed structure at the Palace of Fine Arts.
A view of the city at night from Pier 39.
Looking back toward the city from near the Golden Gate.
The Palace of Fine Arts, where I began my walk, is barely visible on the far right of the screen.
This is actually an HDR photo, not a panorama, but I decided to include it here.
Another view of the city from Coit Tower.

And I’ll leave you with a wider shot of the city at night.

View from Pier 39