California Trip, 2014: San Francisco at Night

This collection compiles the photos I shot while walking around San Francisco at night. Fishermans Wharf and Pier 39 feature prominently, along with some photos of various buildings.

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California Trip, 2014: Lombard Street in San Francisco

A few photos taken along San Francisco’s famous Lombard Street (the “crookedest street in the world”) during my visit in October 2014, including one heavily cropped photo of the twisty section from further up the road (if I had realized what I was looking at I could have zoomed in for a much better shot), and one night pic snapped while standing on the twisty section and looking out toward the bay.

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California Trip, 2014: Walking to the Golden Gate

These photos are from my long walk out to the Golden Gate Bridge. I started at the Palace of Fine Arts and walked along the shore all the way out to the spot under the bridge where Kim Novak jumped into the water in “Vertigo.” Some photos looking back toward the city will give you an idea of the distance I walked.

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California Trip, 2014: Coit Tower and Filbert Steps in San Francisco

The gallery below features photos of the spectacular views from the top of Coit Tower (six of which were stitched together to form the nearly 360-degree panorama above). Also featured below are the Filbert Steps, which descend Telegraph Hill through a garden area. The steps are actually a pedestrian extension of Filbert Street. I walked up Telegraph Hill via Lombard Street to visit the tower, and then descended the hill via the steps, which seemed to be the easier approach.

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California Trip, 2014: San Francisco Bay

These photos are from my various walks along San Francisco Bay, including visits to Telegraph Hill, Fishermans Wharf, and Pier 39. The bay area of the city is a big reason why it is one of my favorite American cities I’ve visited, right behind Portland and on a par with Seattle.

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