Canada Trip, 2016: The Ovens and Lunenberg

In the middle of our long drive from Halifax to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, we stopped at The Ovens, a beautiful coastal national park featuring a hiking trail along a series of sea caves. We then had a nice early dinner at a little German restaurant on the side of the road before heading into the cute seaside town of Lunenburg for a walk. Lunenburg is another of those towns that made me fall in love with the Canadian Maritimes and fantasize about moving there.

Fans of Locke and Key may recognize both The Ovens and Lunenberg as filming locations for the series, though our visit was long before the show aired. I seem to have a habit of visiting places before a TV show begins filming there–years ago I visited both Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia before Game of Thrones had begun filming in those cities.

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Photos of the Day: Out of the Fog

As I was walking along the waterfront boardwalk in Nova Scotia’s capital city of Halifax, I spotted this ship that appeared to emerge from an endless sea of fog (the camera picked up land in the distance that had been invisible to the naked eye).

I can’t decide which photo I like more, so I’m including both. The first photo is softer, reflecting the enveloping fogginess I recall from that day. The second photo, with ship further removed from the fog, is sharper, and I like the juxtaposition of the tiny duck next to it.

Date: 9/6/2016
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view
Date: 9/6/2016
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.