California Trip, 2014: San Francisco at Night

This collection compiles the photos I shot while walking around San Francisco at night. Fishermans Wharf and Pier 39 feature prominently, along with some photos of various buildings.

Click on any photo to open a gallery.

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Seattle Trip, 2019: A View from a Rooftop

These photos were all shot from the rooftop of my hotel, the Mediterranean Inn, located in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Uptown Seattle.

Click on any image to open a gallery.

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London Trip, 2016: The Thames at Night

These photos are from our stroll along the Thames back in February of 2016 (we were in London for my sister-in-law’s wedding). It was a cold, but nice night–I was happy to finally have my wife with me on a trip abroad. Sadly, it would turn out to be our last bit of fun before I became deathly ill for the rest of the trip, followed by my wife a couple of days later. We had been planning to take a train to Bath the following day but instead I spent it in the hotel room, with my poor wife wandering the city looking for medicine. Then at the end of the trip, she had it worse than me to the point where we had to stay an extra night just so she would be well enough to fly home. Good times. Anyway, I got some cool photos out of the experience…

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Photo of the Day: Looking Down on Edinburgh

During my July visit to Edinburgh two years ago I decided to take a sunset hike up to Calton Hill (which is around 10:30 p.m. that time of year). Once you get to the top you are rewarded with breathtaking views of Edinburgh, such as the twilight scene captured in this photo.

Date: 7/5/2014
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

Photo of the Day: The Thames at Night

It’s been a long time since I posted something, a combination of a trip to England, a lengthy illness, and being super busy, but it’s time to get back in the saddle. Here’s a photo from my recent trip to England, taken during an evening stroll along the Thames.

Date: 2/12/2016
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.