Watkins Glen in HDR

A sunny day at Watkins Glen State Park in New York is the perfect opportunity to practice HDR photography because the high contrast of the dark areas of the gorge versus the areas that catch rays of sun can make it difficult to properly expose a scene with a single shot. Here are a few of the HDR photos I took during my hike in September, 2015. They were all done handheld, three exposures each. You can click on any image for a larger view.

I think I like this one the best.
Similar to the “Rivendell” shot I shared in an earlier post.
I like the feature of the log across the gorge in this one.
Looking down from a ridge into the gorge, with also a glimpse of the outside world near the top center.
This is such a beautiful place to visit.

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

cover3bAlso, don’t forget that the eBook version of my novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, is available for free during the entire month of November, and, if you download it through Story Cartel and write a review, you will be entered into their monthly drawing to win prizes such as Kindle eReaders, Amazon and Barnes & Noble gift cards, and bestselling print books.

There are three ways in which you can obtain a free copy:

  1. Story Cartel – There are two days left to download a FREE copy of my ‪novel from Story Cartel (registration is free) and, if you leave an honest review on your favorite book site or your blog, you will be entered into a monthly drawing to win a prize.
  2. Smashwords – You can download a free copy of my novel from Smashwords using the following coupon code: GH76V. The coupon is good until the end of the month.
  3. If you do not have a Smashwords account (or do not wish to create one), you can message me on Twitter at @njrappa and I will send you a link to download a free copy in either mobi, epub, or PDF format.

There are no strings attached and the book is yours to keep, but I would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to leave a review on your favorite book site (such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads). And as always, I thank you for your support!

Photo of the Day: Another World

A hike through Watkins Glen State Park is like a visit to another world, where scenes like this await around every corner. It’s hard to believe that this oasis of pristine beauty is tucked inside a small town in Upstate New York.

Date: 9/11/2015
Camera: Nikon D5100
Click for larger view

You can view more featured photos at my Photo of the Day Collection.

cover3bAlso, don’t forget that the eBook version of my novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, is available for free during the entire month of November, and, if you download it through Story Cartel and write a review, you will be entered into their monthly drawing to win prizes such as Kindle eReaders, Amazon and Barnes & Noble gift cards, and bestselling print books.

There are three ways in which you can obtain a free copy:

  1. Story Cartel – For the next three weeks, you can download a FREE copy of my ‪novel from Story Cartel (registration is free) and, if you leave an honest review on your favorite book site or your blog, you will be entered into a monthly drawing to win a prize.
  2. Smashwords – You can download a free copy of my novel from Smashwords using the following coupon code: GH76V.
  3. If you do not have a Smashwords account (or do not wish to create one), you can message me on Twitter at @njrappa and I will send you a link to download a free copy in either mobi, epub, or PDF format.

There are no strings attached and the book is yours to keep, but I would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to leave a review on your favorite book site (such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads). And as always, I thank you for your support!

Get My Novel for FREE This Month

cover3bIn honor of National Novel Writing Month, I am making the eBook version of my novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, available for free during the entire month of November, and also giving you the opportunity to be entered into a monthly drawing to win prizes.

There are three ways in which you can obtain a free copy:

  1. Story Cartel – For the next three weeks, you can download a FREE copy of my ‪novel from Story Cartel (registration is free) and, if you leave an honest review on your favorite book site or your blog, you will be entered into a monthly drawing to win a prize. I believe you also get an additional entry just for downloading the book, regardless of whether you leave a review, so a review is by no means required, but would definitely be appreciated. 🙂

    From the Story Cartel web site:
    “Every month, we give away Kindle eReaders, Amazon and Barnes & Noble gift cards, and bestselling print books to the Story Cartel community. Our giveaways are just a small way we say thank you for reading and reviewing books on Story Cartel.”

    If you do not want to register for an account at Story Cartel, you can also obtain a free copy via one of the methods below. However, only those who download the book from Story Cartel will be entered into their monthly drawing.

  2. Smashwords – You can download a free copy of my novel from Smashwords using the following coupon code: GH76V.

    You can also read a free sample without registering, which is roughly equivalent to the first seven chapters.

  3. If you do not have a Smashwords account (or do not wish to create one), you can message me on Twitter at @njrappa and I will send you a link to download a free copy in either mobi, epub, or PDF format.

There are no strings attached and the book is yours to keep, but I would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to leave a review on your favorite book site (such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads). And as always, I thank you for your support!

My Smashwords Interview

When you join Smashwords as an author, you can post an interview based on auto-generated questions to help your readers get to know you a little better. I thought it might be a good idea to post the interview here as well.

And don’t forget that there’s still time to enter my Amazon Giveaway to win a free copy of my novel.

Interview with Michael Rappa

Who are your favorite authors?
Stephen King, Frank Herbert, J. R. R. Tolkien, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allan Poe, George R.R. Martin, Douglas Adams

What are your five favorite books, and why?
Dune – Frank Herbert’s masterpiece is my all-time favorite novel. It has often been called science fiction’s answer to Tolkien’s Middle Earth books and for good reason. I’ve read the entire Dune series as well as most of Herbert’s standalone novels. I was fascinated as a child by his use of journal entries and quotes for chapter heads, as well as the glossary he included in Dune for his numerous invented words. He was a brilliant writer and a huge influence, not so much on my first novel, but much of my writing owes a great debt to Herbert.

The Shining – My favorite Stephen King novel and the greatest ghost story I’ve ever read. My next novel is going to be a haunted house story and to say that ‘The Shining’ is an influence is a major understatement.

1984 – George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare has proven to be eerily prescient. The ending still haunts me. Unfortunately, what he originally intended as a cautionary tale seems more often these days to be used as a “how-to” manual. One of the stories I’m working on is a Negative Utopian tale in the vein of 1984–I even named the main character George in tribute.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Hands down the funniest book ever written. Douglas Adams was a genius.

The Dark Tower – This Stephen King series was the biggest influence on my first novel. Its blending of horror, fantasy, western, and sci-elements while seamlessly jumping between our world and Mid-World was masterful. My favorite individual books in the series are ‘Wizard and Glass’ and ‘The Gunslinger.’

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
It was probably Call of the Wild, which I read repeatedly as a child. Besides contributing to my lifelong love of dogs, it made me want to read more and to create stories of my own.

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I wrote a haunted house story with a couple of my childhood friends. It was quite macabre for the minds of second graders, as I recall.

What’s the story behind your latest book?
I first put pen to paper (yes, pen and paper) back in 1997 when I wrote the first chapter and outlined the rest of the novel. The idea for the novel originally sprung from a text-based online role-playing game I was considering playing on AOL back in the days of dial-up modems (kids, ask your parents). As part of creating a character for the game, you were supposed to come up with a back story for your character. I never ended up playing the game, but I liked the character I created, so I decided to turn his story into a novel.

My original intention was to write it as an experimental serial novel, in which I would post a new chapter at regular intervals. In fact, the first chapter has been available online in one form or another since 1998. However, when I realized that there was enough material for a full-blown novel, I altered my plans. It took many years to complete—as any aspiring writer will tell you, one of the biggest obstacles to completing a novel is finding the time between your job, housework, and various other adult responsibilities—but eventually (and with the help of a period of unemployment) I finished the first draft in early 2009. Subsequent drafts followed and I finally had a draft that I deemed worthy of submission in the winter of 2012.

I do NOT plan to take 18 years to publish my next novel. 🙂

What motivated you to become an indie author?
I tried the traditional publishing route first, submitting queries to agents, but then I began to notice that more and more people were self-publishing and that the self-publishing industry was growing at an astronomical rate, with even established authors beginning to self-publish. I like the idea of maintaining full control over my property and earning higher royalties on each sale, not that I’m expecting to earn much (you don’t really make any money on a book unless it becomes a best-seller). It’s more about the work itself, getting it out there into the world, and self-publishing seemed like the best way for me to accomplish that. The traditional querying process did have its benefits, though—it helped me to hone the marketing of my book, specifically the synopsis I eventually used for the back cover—but I am happy with my decision to go the indie route.

What is your writing process?
I tend to edit heavily as I’m writing. Conventional wisdom says you should plow through your first draft and then go back later to edit, but I guess I’m too obsessive to work that way. Consequently, it takes me longer to complete a first draft, but on the bright side my first draft is more complete and thus needs fewer revisions than the average first draft.

How do you approach cover design?
I designed the cover for my first novel myself. I am not even close to being an artist but I have enough Photoshop experience that I was able to make a cover that looks professional. I had first tried one of Amazon’s online cover templates, but these were too plain and I didn’t want my cover to look like everyone else’s, so I spent a lot of time getting the look I wanted. The front art includes a real photo of mine that I manipulated via Photoshop to depict a scene from the novel. For the back cover (of the paperback) I chose to use an author photo rather than create another image. For future novels I may continue to design them myself or explore the possibility of employing a professional.

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I’ve spent almost my entire life in New Jersey. I grew up in a small town in South Jersey that was essentially a suburb of Philadelphia, as did the character Sam in my first novel. Most of my stories take place in New Jersey. I’ve even created a fictional South Jersey town which I plan to weave into my stories in a sort of shared universe, a la Stephen King’s Derry and Castle Rock.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
I enjoy reading, traveling, photography, and cooking. I also play tennis and chess, and once every few years I pick up my saxophone. I spend most of my evenings feeding my TV/Film addiction, with the occasional video game mixed in.

What is your e-reading device of choice?
I own a Kindle but do most of my e-book reading via the kindle app on my phone. I still read physical books more frequently than e-books, especially for my favorite authors, whose books I like to collect.

To learn more, you can visit my Author Page at Smashwords.

More Platforms for My Novel and a New Contest

I am pleased to announce that the eBook version my novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, is now available on more platforms around the world. In addition to Amazon, you can now purchase it for $0.99 at Barnes & NobleSmashwords, Kobo, Oyster, Scribd, and Inktera. By the end of this week it should also be available at Apple, Baker & Taylor (Blio & Axis 360), txtr, OverDrive, and Flipkart.

I have also launched a new giveaway for the paperback version of The Eyes of Mictlan via Amazon. To enter, you just have to click on the link, follow me on Twitter (or confirm that you already follow me), and then you will find out instantly if you have won a copy. The contest is open all week to U.S. residents 18 and over. One note: unlike my previous contest, these copies will not be signed because Amazon is shipping them directly to the winners.

Win a Free Copy!

The Eyes of Mictlan by Michael Rappa

The Eyes of Mictlan

by Michael Rappa

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Every 600th eligible entry will win, up to 4 winners. This giveaway started September 27,2015 3:46 PM PDT and ends the earlier of October 4,2015 11:59 PM PDT or when all prizes have been awarded.

As always, I thank you for your support, and if you enter the contest, best of luck!

Four days left to win a signed copy of my novel…

The Paperback
Waiting to be signed…

My first-ever book giveaway is entering the home stretch! There are just over four days remaining to enter the contest, available to U.S. residents 18 and older. So far, 245 people have entered to win a free signed copy of my dark fantasy novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, which I will personalize for the winners.

You can enter the giveaway via the button below:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Eyes of Mictlan by Michael Rappa

The Eyes of Mictlan

by Michael Rappa

Giveaway ends August 23, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

If you don’t win but are still interested in reading the novel, I hope you will consider the eBook version, available for just $2.99–or free to Amazon Prime members (via the lending library) and Kindle Unlimited subscribers. If you do not own a Kindle, you can download free Kindle reading software for almost any computer or mobile device.

Thank you and good luck!

Win a Signed Copy of My Novel!

I am pleased to announce my first ever book giveaway, available to U.S. residents 18 or older. If you would like to win a free signed copy of the paperback version of my novel, The Eyes of Mictlan, you can enter the Goodreads Giveaway below.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Eyes of Mictlan by Michael Rappa

The Eyes of Mictlan

by Michael Rappa

Giveaway ends August 23, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

I decided to keep this giveaway simple since it is my first one. Perhaps with my next giveaway I can open it up to more countries.

If you don’t win, I hope you will consider getting the eBook version, available for just $2.99–or free to Amazon Prime members (via the lending library) and Kindle Unlimited subscribers. If you do not own a Kindle, you can download free Kindle reading software for almost any computer or mobile device.

Thank you and good luck!

The Paperback
One of the Paperbacks Waiting to be Signed