The Kindle Vella Experiment

Last year, Amazon launched a new web fiction platform geared toward episodic, serialized storytelling called Kindle Vella. This week, I have thrown my hat into the ring as a Vella author. However, rather then tell one serialized story, I decided to experiment with using it as an outlet for my short stories. Thus, I have launched a new anthology series called Millers Grove, based on an idea I’ve long had to compile my short stories into a Twilight Zone-ish anthology centered around a single small town.

I have so far published five episodes, with five more to come later this year based on interest and engagement. From what I have read, Vella is not likely to be a lucrative platform for the average writer, but at the very least it gives me the opportunity to release some of my content that may not otherwise fit into traditional formats while testing the viability of the platform. One complaint I have so far is that Amazon does not let you link Vella content to your Amazon author page, which is a big missed opportunity for cross-promotion with your other published work. It seems that Amazon wants to keep Vella as a self-contained ecosystem that its users never leave. I hope that is something they change one day.

If you feel inclined to give my anthology a look-see, I would be grateful for any reviews—or for thumbs up on individual stories that you may enjoy 🙂. The first three episodes are free. Subsequent episodes are unlocked with tokens. If you are new to the platform, you can claim 200 free tokens. While Kindle Vella is designed to be read within the Kindle app on mobile devices, you can also read the stories in a web browser.

Here is the synopsis:

Nestled deep in the heart of the Pine Barrens, a spooky stretch of New Jersey wilderness made famous by the Jersey Devil, is the mysterious community of Millers Grove. On the surface it looks like any other small town, but something sinister lurks beneath the veneer, setting the stage for this multi-genre anthology series of tales exploring themes ranging from the wonder of the fantastical to the drama of the real world, from the horror of the supernatural to the mortal darkness within humanity.

I hope you’ll check it out!